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03 June, 2008

Free Video Convert Software

Can convert to RMVB, MP4, MPG, WMV and many file format…

Software name : Any Video Converter
Software type : Freeware
Web site :

At present, major video that we download from Network are RMVB file format, but just have a few player can play RMVB directly.

So that, many users will convert RMVB to another video format, in order to let player can play that video.

Any Video Converter is a less freeware that can convert RMVB.

Except RMVB, it also can convert Xvid, MOV, rm, VOB, Divx, and this software is easy to use.

] After you download and install, we can click [Add Video] to add video to the list.

] We can add many video that want to convert in one time. We also can change the video output format at the [Profile] site.

] Then click [Encode] to begin convert video format, after convert the video that converted will store in [My Documents -> Any Video] Converter folder.

] We can click [Edit -> Options] or [File -> Set Output Folder…] to set the folder that store video that converted. Except this, we also can set language at [Edit -> Language].

] When view Youtube video, we also can convert video through this software form Youtube. We just need to click [Youtube] and enter url.

] All video that converted will put in different folder and let users view easily. By the way, we can view the video that converted or before convert at the right site, another function is it can convert video that after cut in this software.

Attention: This software takes longer time convert video convert video, I suggest users don’t want put too many video to convert in one time…

1 comment:

ToRroS said...

i search a good convert software long times already!! but i can't found any good one!!
thanks for the share, i will try it later!!


Very tired lah...Orz...( '~' )